Monday, January 29, 2007

Research proposal

Using Children;

Why such a thing like child labour is part of our history and still exist in some countries?

The research I am about to do about child labour, I hope will help people to understand why child labour is a part of the history of North America and why is it spread in Central and South America nowadays. Moreover, I want my research to explain ways to get over with child labour.
My research will be more like a documented report. I will read a lot about the subject compile information and present them objectively, so people will be able to make their own point of view with the information I will provide.

My approach will be examine and analyse, I believe that reading about it and trying to understand the reasons and then, compiling them in my research will help me understand why such a thing exists and therefore help people interested about the subject to understand as well.
For the audience purpose, I believe I will have to had a lexical at the end of the paper and notes that will explain some of the facts and sometimes that will give more information that were not relevant to include in the paper, but that are extra pertinent information.

This topic really came out of nowhere. I am a person that is interested in so many different subjects that I did not know what I was going to do with that research. However, while searching the Internet, I saw those two words, and read about it. It seemed pretty interesting and I could not stop thinking about it. People’s right is something that really touches me deeply, and I want to learn more about it, I need to. It’s worth my time because I think not enough people know about the subject, including me. It is a way for me to learn something new and to get other people to know about it as well. In a way, I want to teach something to the ones that will read my paper and my blog about child labour and children rights and I want them to become concerned about that subject, because while reading about it, I became concerned. If abusing children mentally and physically at a young age is not worth my time knowing about, then nothing is.

The first step is to read about child labour in America, in order to discover enough information to have a complete paper. My second step is, as I am going to read, I will take notes on paper. I am not a computer fan, therefore, I rather write it on card boards. Then as a third step, when I will be done finding my information, I will revise the parts I want to do, because I can end up having too much for a 12 page paper. Therefore, I am going to keep only the information that is relevant to my research question. After taking notes on what is important, my fourth step will be writing my first draft, not a complete 12 page, because I want to keep a certain freedom. As a fifth step, I will have my revising team reading it. I might finish a part, have them read it, correct it, get them to read it again, and then present the other parts and so on. Then, the sixth part will be writing the final version and show it to my revising team again, prepare a sheet with questions for them to answer, so I will know I have included only important information and I have answered all their questions about child labour. Then, I will compile their answers, will put the final touches, go to the writing center for final correction and I will give it in.

Hopefully, now you know more why I want to do that research and what I want to do with it.


1 comment:

jennifer said...

Nice post, i appreciate your efforts which you have done to share information with others.

Dissertation Proposal