Thursday, January 11, 2007

Maybe I Have Found It :D

I have been thinking for a subject for my academic research and because I am a person that is interested in every subject life bring into my path, I have a hard time finding a subject and keeping it until the end, because there are always news things that pop up into my mind. However going through prof. Sait-Yves’ blog, a subject came up on one of the pages the links brought me to; CHILD LABOUR.
This is a topic I know nothing about and that interests me because as I said in my first entry, I love learning new things, and since I am a person that really cares about humanity in general (the profile I was going to take, if I was to keep on with International Studies, was “Développement du Tiers Monde), this subject I think will really touch my feelings and therefore, help me focussing on my research.
Moreover, since I wanted focus about teaching English because I want to enter the BEELS next semester, maybe there is a way to make the two subjects all together. If not, I will still stick with Child Labour, because I believe there is information to learn about it; like, when did it start, what are the conditions that the children are facing, which countries use them the most, what is there to do about it. I know it will have to be narrowed down, my subjects are always too vague, but I know there is something to discover about that subject, and this will be my main goal.

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