Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What Is Happening With Me?

I cannot really say yet what has changed in this new year and new semester, but I know what I want to change. I want to have better marks, because I need to get into the BEELS next fall, and for that, I have to do the best I can in order to have better marks, even though they are not that bad so far.
I also want to do more physical activities. At the end of last winter, I decided to buy skates to go ice skating, but so far, I have not been skating that much because, the clod last winter went away two weeks after I bought my skates. Therefore, I planned to do ice skating every week this year, but winter is making me wait, it has not been cold enough for the ice to be hard enough to skate, therefore I am still waiting for it.
This made me think a lot about global warming. Even though I do not like winter, it scares me that it is warming up that much. We should do something about it, not only some people, but the whole world. With what happened last year in Europe and here this winter, I do not believe that still some countries are not entering Kyoto and that they do not believe that the crazy temperature we had is because of the global warming. I think I do my part, I recycle everything I can and I most of the time travel with the bus or “Allo-Stop”, which is a car sharing business.
I also have a project that is really important to me coming up. There is a government program that offers to bilingual university students to go in France for four months to work as a tour guide. I think about it all day long, and I really do not know how I am going to react if I am not chosen. As much as I know there are interesting summer jobs here, that one really represents who I am on many levels. I love working with the public, learn new information; tell people new information, and most of all, travel.
I think I might have a subject that is related to teaching a second language for the research, even though, there are many subjects that interest me and that I could learn more about. I am still thinking about it, but I will surely have an idea for next class.
In the end, I do not know yet what will happen with all that I have written here, but I will surely consult it to make sure I do follow my goals for this semester.

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