Monday, January 22, 2007

What am I going to talk about?

Informal labor (includes street vending, begging, camel jockeying, portering, and other service industries)
Commercial labor (includes factory work, farming, fishing, mining, quarrying, and all other forms of manufacturing)
Subject to both conditions
No significant cases reported
(white colour)

Hello again,
We were asked to post here a summary about what we want to do as a research paper, therefore, here is what I want to do with my research.

The research paper I will do for written communication 2 is going to be about child labour. I have found many references so far, and I believe there is enough work done about it for me to do a proper research. I am thinking about dividing it in two or three parts. I want to talk about the history of child labour, where did it start, why, and when. The two other parts I am thinking about presently are, whether I will talk about how it stopped, and/or what are the repercussions on children lives to work at a young age. I am most certainly leaning towards the history of child labour, this in mind; I believe I am going to focus more on the why, how and when it started and how it stopped. Therefore, I am going to analyse child labour in North America, because here, for most of it, it is not allowed anymore and is well checked upon by authorities.
If you want to read more about child labour, log on VPN and type the name of the articles that I wrote on the list below. They are all from the EBSCO Host Research Databases accessible on the library website.

** Here the word labour is written in American English because I wanted to write the exact titles of the articles **
Confronting child labor, then and now.

Child labor in America’s history

Child labor in America

Child labor in America 1908-1912

Found on

Secret Child labor in America

Child Labour

Human rights Watch: Child Labor/Child Labour

Child Labour on

Child Labor: Issues, Causes and Interventions
I hope this will help you to learn more about child labour,

See you all in class,


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