Monday, January 29, 2007

General Outline

General Outline


History facts
Situate the reader in time and place
Thesis statement

North America

Part one

Historical context

Why, where, when did it start in North America?
What were the impacts on the children?

Part two

Fight against it

Who started to be concerned about child labour?
What were the steps followed to end up with a law against child labour?

Central and South America

Part three

(Specific country)

What is their socio-economical situation?
What has been done so far to change the situation?
What can be done?


North American companies

How are they allowed to use child labour in other countries?
(I know they are not, but they still do)
What can be done to regulate it? / More vigilant, more inspectors…

Research proposal

Using Children;

Why such a thing like child labour is part of our history and still exist in some countries?

The research I am about to do about child labour, I hope will help people to understand why child labour is a part of the history of North America and why is it spread in Central and South America nowadays. Moreover, I want my research to explain ways to get over with child labour.
My research will be more like a documented report. I will read a lot about the subject compile information and present them objectively, so people will be able to make their own point of view with the information I will provide.

My approach will be examine and analyse, I believe that reading about it and trying to understand the reasons and then, compiling them in my research will help me understand why such a thing exists and therefore help people interested about the subject to understand as well.
For the audience purpose, I believe I will have to had a lexical at the end of the paper and notes that will explain some of the facts and sometimes that will give more information that were not relevant to include in the paper, but that are extra pertinent information.

This topic really came out of nowhere. I am a person that is interested in so many different subjects that I did not know what I was going to do with that research. However, while searching the Internet, I saw those two words, and read about it. It seemed pretty interesting and I could not stop thinking about it. People’s right is something that really touches me deeply, and I want to learn more about it, I need to. It’s worth my time because I think not enough people know about the subject, including me. It is a way for me to learn something new and to get other people to know about it as well. In a way, I want to teach something to the ones that will read my paper and my blog about child labour and children rights and I want them to become concerned about that subject, because while reading about it, I became concerned. If abusing children mentally and physically at a young age is not worth my time knowing about, then nothing is.

The first step is to read about child labour in America, in order to discover enough information to have a complete paper. My second step is, as I am going to read, I will take notes on paper. I am not a computer fan, therefore, I rather write it on card boards. Then as a third step, when I will be done finding my information, I will revise the parts I want to do, because I can end up having too much for a 12 page paper. Therefore, I am going to keep only the information that is relevant to my research question. After taking notes on what is important, my fourth step will be writing my first draft, not a complete 12 page, because I want to keep a certain freedom. As a fifth step, I will have my revising team reading it. I might finish a part, have them read it, correct it, get them to read it again, and then present the other parts and so on. Then, the sixth part will be writing the final version and show it to my revising team again, prepare a sheet with questions for them to answer, so I will know I have included only important information and I have answered all their questions about child labour. Then, I will compile their answers, will put the final touches, go to the writing center for final correction and I will give it in.

Hopefully, now you know more why I want to do that research and what I want to do with it.



Hello everyone and especially professor Saint-Yves,

I just wanted to say that the reason why there are no posts from last week is because I was really sick and I could not really get up from my bed without feeling dizzy, therefore I am a little late behind and this is why none of the work that was asked for is posted. I will post it later on this week. I am doing my best to catch up and I will, do not worry.

Thank you all for your understanding,


American vs. British

a) American and British English are different in many ways, first of all in Grammar. Most of the time, as cited from the book, one form is possible for one kind of English, while the two forms are possible for the other kind.

e.g. American; He just went home, or He’s just gone home.
British; He’s just gone home.

The second difference is in Vocabulary, most of the time the meaning for the same word differs from American English to British English.

e.g. Same meaning different word
America English British English
Apartment flat

The third difference is in spelling. The most difference in spelling is when a word ends in –or in American English, ends in –our in British English, or a word that ends in –er in American English, ends in –re in British English. Some of the verbs ending in –ize in American English, end in –ize or –ise in British English, and many words are different in the way their written.

e.g. American English British English
color colour
center centre
computerize computerise
aluminum aluminium

And the last difference is in pronunciation. There are many ways the pronunciation differs when comparing American English and British English, but the most noticeable one is the final ‘r’ pronunciation. In American English, the final ‘r’ is always pronounced, when in British English, the final ‘r’ is dropped, because the ‘r’ sound is pronounced only before vowels.

e.g. car, offer, turn

British English as one more pronounce vowel than American English.

e.g. dog, got, gone

b) Standard English is the kind of English spoken in London and the East Midlands after the King’s Alfred victory over the Vikings. It was the proper English to be used in the government, the law, business, education and literature.

c) Dialect English is the kind of English that is spoken by people in the streets that make mistakes because they did not learn the correct grammar.

d) The main differences are in pronunciation, the grammar mistakes, structure, use of appropriate vocabulary.

e) Languages do change over time because many factors influence it. The main reasons are the communicative needs of the language, the influence from other dialects, languages simplify themselves, non important distinctions disappear, new forms are uses, less well see forms become respectable, mistakes become part of the language, and phonetic forms changes.

Monday, January 22, 2007

What am I going to talk about?

Informal labor (includes street vending, begging, camel jockeying, portering, and other service industries)
Commercial labor (includes factory work, farming, fishing, mining, quarrying, and all other forms of manufacturing)
Subject to both conditions
No significant cases reported
(white colour)

Hello again,
We were asked to post here a summary about what we want to do as a research paper, therefore, here is what I want to do with my research.

The research paper I will do for written communication 2 is going to be about child labour. I have found many references so far, and I believe there is enough work done about it for me to do a proper research. I am thinking about dividing it in two or three parts. I want to talk about the history of child labour, where did it start, why, and when. The two other parts I am thinking about presently are, whether I will talk about how it stopped, and/or what are the repercussions on children lives to work at a young age. I am most certainly leaning towards the history of child labour, this in mind; I believe I am going to focus more on the why, how and when it started and how it stopped. Therefore, I am going to analyse child labour in North America, because here, for most of it, it is not allowed anymore and is well checked upon by authorities.
If you want to read more about child labour, log on VPN and type the name of the articles that I wrote on the list below. They are all from the EBSCO Host Research Databases accessible on the library website.

** Here the word labour is written in American English because I wanted to write the exact titles of the articles **
Confronting child labor, then and now.

Child labor in America’s history

Child labor in America

Child labor in America 1908-1912

Found on

Secret Child labor in America

Child Labour

Human rights Watch: Child Labor/Child Labour

Child Labour on

Child Labor: Issues, Causes and Interventions
I hope this will help you to learn more about child labour,

See you all in class,


Thursday, January 18, 2007

Who Am I?

My name is Carole Morin, and I am presently in International Studies, but my goal is to enter the BEALS in fall 2007. I am working really hard for it, and hopefully it will pay off.

Professor Saint-Yves suggested that I write more about me, so here it is. I was suggested to provide you with what I accomplished and my goals and what I like in order to help you all know me more. Therefore, my main interests are languages, mainly English and Spanish. I am presently looking forward to do a program which is to teach English to children in Spain, because the tour guide job I was looking forward to is not going to happen. I got rejected. Therefore, I needed to find something else, and this is what I came up with!

Now, here are my goals in life. I want to become an English teacher/ Spanish teacher, maybe at college level, but for the moment, I will concentrate on high school level, because even if I want to teach languages, maybe, this is not for me. I can’t be certain because I have never taught it. My dream goal is to travel all around the world, I want to see places, I want to do things that I know I will not do if I stay in Quebec all my life.

-This is a view of Jasper

The farthest I went in my life is in Alberta, in a little town called Jasper. Therefore, my next step is to go in Europe, which is what I am about to do. I did the program called Summer Nannies Center, which consisted in babysitting during one summer English children in Ontario. I liked it for the English but the difference between English families and French families is really different; especially, when the family you come from is in the average social class, and you get into a rich family that has no money problems. It was really hard for me to live surrounded with money and money talk, when where I come from, relationships between every member of the family is important. Maybe it is only the family I was in that was like that, but unfortunately, since I was around many families, because my family had friends that were as rich as they were if not more, I can say that having nannies to take care of your kids, even if they were stay home mothers, was more than frequent. What I remember from my experience is that I do not want to be like them, if I have children, I will take care of them myself; I will not have a stranger to raise my own children.

The jobs I had in my life are jobs that needed knowledge of the English language. I worked on a boat worth 11 million dollars during the summer between high school and college, and even if it was not a requirement to speak English, I became really useful to the carpenters I was assisting when it came to speak with other teams of workers on the boat, because they were all English speakers, and the carpenters were not. Therefore, I became the translator for every work team on that boat, and I became friends with the crew that was going to work on the boat. I almost left with them, because they did not have a French speaker that could speak English as well, but because I was not 18, they did not want to be responsible for me in other countries. Then, the following summer I left for Alberta and I had a job as a front desk agent. There I had to speak English all day long, and I came pretty useful when French tourists came in. At first, it was hard to answer the phone, because sometimes I had problems with the accents, but I finally got it. As for last summer, I worked at a place where tourists stopped by to ask information about the activities they could do in Mauricie, and there again, I had to speak English a lot.

My interests in life are multiple. I am a person that is passionate about everything that comes into my life for any reason. Therefore, that is why, as soon as I saw the child labour topic; I wanted to do a research about it. This is because I am sensitive to people’s rights and to what happens in other country that can be bad or good. What I love the most is to learn about new cultures that I had no knowledge about or situations in the world.

I hope this helped you to know me a little better,


Amélie and I

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Maybe I Have Found It :D

I have been thinking for a subject for my academic research and because I am a person that is interested in every subject life bring into my path, I have a hard time finding a subject and keeping it until the end, because there are always news things that pop up into my mind. However going through prof. Sait-Yves’ blog, a subject came up on one of the pages the links brought me to; CHILD LABOUR.
This is a topic I know nothing about and that interests me because as I said in my first entry, I love learning new things, and since I am a person that really cares about humanity in general (the profile I was going to take, if I was to keep on with International Studies, was “Développement du Tiers Monde), this subject I think will really touch my feelings and therefore, help me focussing on my research.
Moreover, since I wanted focus about teaching English because I want to enter the BEELS next semester, maybe there is a way to make the two subjects all together. If not, I will still stick with Child Labour, because I believe there is information to learn about it; like, when did it start, what are the conditions that the children are facing, which countries use them the most, what is there to do about it. I know it will have to be narrowed down, my subjects are always too vague, but I know there is something to discover about that subject, and this will be my main goal.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What Is Happening With Me?

I cannot really say yet what has changed in this new year and new semester, but I know what I want to change. I want to have better marks, because I need to get into the BEELS next fall, and for that, I have to do the best I can in order to have better marks, even though they are not that bad so far.
I also want to do more physical activities. At the end of last winter, I decided to buy skates to go ice skating, but so far, I have not been skating that much because, the clod last winter went away two weeks after I bought my skates. Therefore, I planned to do ice skating every week this year, but winter is making me wait, it has not been cold enough for the ice to be hard enough to skate, therefore I am still waiting for it.
This made me think a lot about global warming. Even though I do not like winter, it scares me that it is warming up that much. We should do something about it, not only some people, but the whole world. With what happened last year in Europe and here this winter, I do not believe that still some countries are not entering Kyoto and that they do not believe that the crazy temperature we had is because of the global warming. I think I do my part, I recycle everything I can and I most of the time travel with the bus or “Allo-Stop”, which is a car sharing business.
I also have a project that is really important to me coming up. There is a government program that offers to bilingual university students to go in France for four months to work as a tour guide. I think about it all day long, and I really do not know how I am going to react if I am not chosen. As much as I know there are interesting summer jobs here, that one really represents who I am on many levels. I love working with the public, learn new information; tell people new information, and most of all, travel.
I think I might have a subject that is related to teaching a second language for the research, even though, there are many subjects that interest me and that I could learn more about. I am still thinking about it, but I will surely have an idea for next class.
In the end, I do not know yet what will happen with all that I have written here, but I will surely consult it to make sure I do follow my goals for this semester.