Monday, March 5, 2007

Notes: Review of the literature

Public Health and Working Children in Twentieth-Century America : An Historical Overview written by Todd Postol.

He makes a summary of the history of child labour in the United States at the beginning of the paper. He also states numerous physical problems that occurred to children depending on their job.

Important person: Mary “Mother” Jones, who was one of the first people that focused attention on child labour. She organized many different actions to make people aware of the child labour problem in the US. Her goal was to get “national attention to the health risks faced by working children” (p.3).

Important committee: New York Child Labor Committee was formed of educators, reformers and physicians. The bill they achieved to put in place did not protect across-the-board child labour and did not protect homework and agriculture.

National Child Labor Committee was found in 1904. For forty years, armed with statistics and maps the fought child labour industry by industry. (p.4)

Important publication in Life magazine.

Publicising abuses towards children had a major impact, more as a decisive role. (p.6) and in the mid-1930’s parents rejected any form of work if it could harm their children in any way, physically or emotionally. (p.6)

Study name: When teenagers work

Relevant text that shows the progress made according to child labour and that names many important association and people.

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