Monday, April 16, 2007

Physical and Psychological Consequences of Using Children in the Rural American Labour Force

This research will examine and analyse the situation and conditions of working children in the agricultural labour force of the United States, to find what social progress has to be made in order to protect children against any form of exploitation or harmful labour, which may have negative physical or psychological consequences on them.

I. Minimum Age
A. Laws about minimum age
1. General labour force
2. Agricultural labour force
3. Hazardous work
B. Minimum age violation
1. Family farms
2. Other farms
3. Quebec example
C. Consequences
II. Work conditions
A. Hours of work on a school day
1. General labour force
2. Agricultural labour force
3. Consequences on children
B. The minimum wage
1. Agricultural labour force
2. Farms contractors and farm owners
3. Quebec example
C. Health and safety risks
1. Pesticides
2. Sanitation
III. Education
A. Attendance to school
B. Poverty
IV. Social progress
A. Regulations regarding education
B. Regulations regarding work conditions
C. Regulations regarding minimum age

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