Sunday, February 11, 2007

Research Propasal 2

Using Children

The research paper I am about to do about child labour, will bring forward what still lacks in the regulations about child labour in the United States of America today, by examining and analysing what has been done and tried and what has not. Plus, I will try to bring new ideas forward, in order to abolish child labour completely from United States based on researches made by scholars.

To help my audience understand the specific vocabulary and certain ideas brought in up in the paper, I will produce an appendix and end notes that will explain more in depth certain ideas or points made by the scholars I will base my research paper on.

This topic really came out of nowhere. I am a person that is interested in so many different subjects that I did not know what I was going to do with that research. However, while searching the Internet, I saw those two words, and read about it. It seemed pretty interesting and I could not stop thinking about it. People’s right is something that really touches me deeply, especially children’s right. As soon as I read what it was, I wanted to learn more about it, and I feel like I need to. It’s worth my time and any anybody else’s time, because I think not enough people know about the subject, including me. It is a way for me to learn something new and to get other people to know about it as well. In a way, I want to teach something to the ones that will read my paper and my blog about child labour and children rights in the United States of America. Moreover, I want them to become concerned about that subject, because while reading about it, I became concerned.
In addition, when I was a child, my parents gave me little jobs to do around the house and with their company. I asked them myself because I wanted pocket money, and that I knew they had to pay someone to do the job anyway. It was not hard physically or mentally nor dangerous, plus it was never more than four hours a week and it was not every week. Moreover, it made me more responsible than other children my age, because I had a deadline to follow. That is why, I feel the need to dig deeper into that subject, in order to understand and learn how abusing children mentally, emotionally and physically, through work, at a really young age, was once admissible and is still not as strictly regulated as it should be, according to many scholars.

The first step is to read about child labour in the United States, in order to discover enough information to have a complete research paper. My second step is, as I am going to read, take notes on my computer, by numbering the texts I will read and match my notes with the text number. Then as a third step, when I will be done finding my information, I will revise the information found in order to stay as close as possible to my thesis statement, because I can end up having too much information for a 12 page paper, plus the information might not all be relevant to my thesis statement. After taking notes on what is important, my fourth step will be writing my first draft, not a complete 12 page, because I want to keep a certain freedom. As a fifth step, I will have my revising team reading it. I might finish a part, have them read it, correct it, get them to read it again, and then present the other parts, and so on. Then, the sixth part will be writing the final version and show it to my revising team again, prepare a sheet with questions for them to answer, so I will know I have included only important information and I have answered all their questions about child labour. Then, I will compile their answers, will put the final touches, go to the writing center for final correction and I will give it in.

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