Monday, April 14, 2008


This semester, we have discussed many subjects that concern computers and applying it to our future classrooms to get the students involved. I personally believe that the forum we are doing right now is the thing to use. It is really simple and it is a great way to learn from others’ experiences. In the two forums I had to post this semester, that one is by far the most interesting and complete. We do not need to have quotations from other sources and such, which I believe make a forum boring. It is about anything and everything, about teaching and it helps a lot when we read about other people’s experiences.

If it is possible, in 2 years, I will use forums to have my students participate in the classroom evolution. What I am thinking about is to have them use it to write in English and read, but also to get their suggestions and read about what they would like to do and they like or don’t like about my courses. I want to discuss things they are interested about in my classrooms and I want them to evaluate their choices after we try their suggestions.

I believe forums are a great tool to discuss matters that would not be discussed face to face because one is shy or does not know how to say things. It goes out better when you have time to think about it. I don’t know if I will ever be good with installing things on computers and such, but I will surely try to set up such a thing if the occasion presents itself.